Our History
Our mission is to promote, share and enjoy the French language and francophone cultures through classes but also through intellectual and artistic exchanges between the United States and the French speaking world. We encourage friendship and collaboration between French speakers and learners within the North Texas community.
Influential members of the Dallas/Fort Worth community founded l’Alliance Francaise du Nord du Texas in 1972. Famed retailer Stanley Marcus and Texas Instruments director S.T. (Buddy) Harris were among the original board members. Mr. Harris served as the first Honorary French Consul for North Texas. He held the post from 1969 to 1989.
The chapter’s French language school was founded in 1985 and boasts a high student-retention rate. French classes are taught for all age groups and all levels, from beginning French through advanced conversation.
As part of a global network of Alliances, with 100 chapters in the United States and 800 chapters present in 132 countries wolrdwide, we work to fulfill this mission in the greater Dallas area by promoting Francophone culture and cross-cultural dialogue. Our members and friends share a love for the French culture and language. We welcome all conversation levels, and participants often speak English as well as French and other languages. Whether you are a native or fluent French speaker, a student of the language, or an interested non-French speaker, we encourage everyone (children, teens and adults) in the North Texas community to participate in our wide range of French classes and cultural activities offered throughout the year.
L’Alliance Française de Dallas is an active member of the Federation of Alliances Françaises in the USA.